Monday 20 July 2020
The SATAC Guide 2021 is now available to read online.

We are also pleased to be able to deliver it in print in what has been an unprecedented year. Schools will receive their copies this week.

The SATAC Guide contains information about hundreds of undergraduate courses available through SATAC. It also explains the application process and the different admission pathways available.

The Guide will also be available in newsagents from early August.

The Tertiary Entrance booklets for SACE and NTCET, and IB students, are also available online.

Students in Years 10, 11, and 12 can use the booklets to help them make subject choices in school that fit their future study goals.

We'll update our website over the coming weeks with information about applications in 2021. Key dates are online now.

Applications for 2021 will open on Monday 3 August.